Ohako Marae 2023 AGM & Marae Development Planning
Date: Saturday, 2nd December 2023 Time: 10:30am Venue: Ohako Marae
Agenda: AGM - 10:30am
Mihi Karakia
Previous Minutes (AGM 26.11.2022)
Matters Arising
Chairperson’s Report
Financial Report 2023
Election of Trustees
General Business
Karakia - Meeting Close
Lunch - 12:30pm
Marae Development Planning - 1:30pm
The planning wānanga is for whānau to share their vision and future aspirations for Ohako Marae. We will korero about what whānau want for our marae, how we protect and maintain our future marae and what activities may be required to fulfil these aspirations.
Marae Development Planning Details:
Ohako Marae has engaged with the Department of Internal Affairs who support marae and hapū to achieve their aspirations through their Oranga Marae Programme. Phase 1 of the programme involves establishing a Marae Development Plan (MDP) that reflects the vision and future aspirations of our marae.
A draft MDP will be created following the wānanga with further review to occur in the new year. Phase 2 of the programme will follow soon after which includes feasibility studies of the items outlined in our finalised MDP.
Any pātai contact Samuel Lewis ohakomarae@outlook.com