Henrietta Wilson
Henrietta Wilson (Etta) cherishes her Maori heritage, with her life revolving around her marae, faith in Te Hahi Ratana, and a large, loving family.
Henrietta Wilson
Ko Papatu te maunga
Ko Te Arai te awa
Ko Ngai Tawhiri te hapu
Ko Ruapani te Ariki – te tangata
Ko Te Aohuna te papa-whenua
Ko Te Kiko o Te Rangi te whare tipuna
Ko Ohako ano te wharekai
Ko Ohako te Marae
Ko Turakina te urupa
Ko Etta Wilson (nee McCartney) ahau
Ko Hori raua ko Ngoi Ngoi McCartney oku tipuna
Henrietta Wilson, known as Etta, is deeply rooted in Māori traditions. She grew up under the guidance of her grandparents, immersed in the Maori language and spiritual practices. Her family includes five children, numerous adopted children, and thirty grandchildren.
Etta's life is profoundly influenced by her Māori heritage, especially the teachings and traditions of the marae and her religion, Te Hahi Ratana. The marae stands as a pillar in her life, providing healing, guidance, and a strong sense of identity. Her upbringing, infused with daily karakia and the teachings of her ancestors, shapes her understanding of the world.
Her story reflects a life dedicated to preserving and living Māori traditions and values, highlighting the importance of family, community, and spiritual beliefs in her journey.