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Tēnā tātou
Ko Horouta me Takitimu ngā waka
Ko Te Whakapūnake me Papaturangi ngā maunga
Ko Ruapani te Amorangi
Ko Ruapani me Ngai Tawhiri ngā hapū
Ko Te Kiko o te Rangi te wharenui
Ko Te Ohako te wharekai
Tihei Mauri Ora!
“Ko te Amorangi ki mua
Ko te hāpai ō ki muri”
“Ko Te Ohako, Ko te Rangimārie”
Ohako Marae is available to book by request for all beneficiaries, whānau, hapū, iwi, community groups and other organisations.
The Reservation includes:
Te Kiko o Te Rangi (wharenui) & Te Ohako (wharekai).
Find out more about our booking process, available dates and fees by referring to our bookings page.
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